First Community Living Room launched to improve quality of life of grass-roots families

First Community Living Room launched to improve quality of life of grass-roots families

     The current-term Government has always attached great importance to the well-being of the grass-roots and brought together the strengths of the Government, the business sector and the community to enhance their sense of contentment and happiness. The Pilot Programme on Community Living Room is a new key initiative. As the first flagship project under the programme, the Sham Shui Po Community Living Room provides additional space with diversified facilities and services for grass-roots families to meet their needs in daily lives and social activities, thereby improving their quality of life.

     The facilities of the Community Living Room, including the reception area, the interview rooms, and the communal living room for doing homework, holding interest classes and group activities, as well as shared cooking equipment and dining area for beneficiary households to cook, dine and mingle. This flagship project provides additional facilities including the self-service laundry, the shower cubicles, the children's corner and reading room, the sports facilities and the case interview room. Mr Chan and guests visited these shared facilities and services to take a closer look at how they improve the living and community environment of the sub-divided unit households.

團體荃灣辦「社區廳堂」 供大廚房、乾衣機